Get a car insurance quote in Malta

Get a car insurance quote


Everyone who owns a car needs to have insurance. This is the law, not just in Malta, but in the whole European union. There are several types of insurance you could do for your car e.g. "Third Party Only", "Third Party Fire and Theft"and so on. The prices vary from one insurance company to another, depending on the type of insurance you choose, on your age, the car make and model, how powerful your car is and many other. Unfortunately, not all insurance companies offer an online quotation, so we decided to try and make your life a little easier. Use the form below and request a quote from several insurance companies within a minute.

Alternatively, you can choose to call or send an email to an insurance company of your choice. We are listing some of the best-known insurance companies on the island. We can always add more to that list, so if you own an insurance company and you're not on that list, but you wish to, feel free to contact us. 

The first wealth is health.

Read more at  Ralph Waldo Emerson

 A few tips if you are trying to get cheaper car insurance.

1. Always insure particular drivers of the vehicle, eg. if only you and your wife drive the car and you're both over 25 years

2. Make sure you tell the insurance company about your car security system (if you have one)

3. If you have driving experience in another country and you never had an accident, it is very likely that you could get your no-claim bonus transferred to the insurance company in Malta.

A tip for those who need insurance for a brand new car.

If you are buying a brand new car, you will definitely want to go for comprehensive car insurance. There are several reasons for it and the main one is that for the 1st  year of the insurance, your car will be fully recovered if something happens to it. After the first year, that rule does not apply any more. 

Another thing you need to know if you are getting comprehensive car insurance is the excess. A lot of people get confused about it. Basically, the more you pay in advance, the less you will have to pay and the more the insurance company will cover if you have an accident. Once again, for the first year, we recommend that you pay a little extra in advance and put your mind at rest (don't go and crash the first day only because you don't have to pay for the damages though).

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Posted by Stoyan Stoyanov

04 Dec 2019