Roadside breakdown/towing services

List of roadside breakdown/towing services in Malta


Every driver had a moment in his driving experience when he needed help on the road. The cars as every other thing on Earth has a lifespan and soon or later might give you a bad surprise. Luckily, Malta is a very small island and in most cases, the help is not more than 30-45 minutes away. A lot of insurance companies offer breakdown service together with the insurance policy. I personally paid €10.00 for the whole year. It was definitely worth paying it as I already used the service twice ☺️. Anyways, here is a shortlist with some of the companies that offer breakdown/towing services in Malta.


Contact Number

(356) 2122 5536

(356) 2122­ 4405

(356) 2124 6262

(356) 2143 3333

(356) 7999 9915

(356) 2122 7676

(356) 74913 9303

Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it.

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If you'd like to add your company to the list above, feel free to contact us. We'll be happy to help you.

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Posted by Stoyan Stoyanov

06 Dec 2019